Hi, I work with Umoja, an application that uses citrix receiver. SEDNA - PCI Express USB 3.1 Gen I ( 5Gbps ) 4 Port Adapter with Low Profile Bracket - Supports Windows, Linux and Mac Pro ( 2008 to 2012 Late Version ), no need power connector. Question: Q: USB 3.0 for Macbook pro? Isn't it 2012? Isn't it 2012? As we all know, the early 2011 13' and 15' Macbook Pros do not have the expresscard slot 34 that the 17' does. Citrix Receiver v11.7.0 ClamXav 2.7.5 CleanApp Cleanmymac 3 MacPaws beta. I can download my pics with Apple Photos, and Bridge still works in Yosemite 10.10.5) AdwareMedic Affinity Photo Airmail 2 Air video HD Alfred 2 Amphetamine Anki Any.do. Discussion in 'OS X El Capitan (10.11)' started. OS X El Capitan: Working & Not Working Apps. Smart tunnel is supported on Windows and Mac OS X platforms only. Citrix HTML5 Receiver Version 1.6 with StoreFront 2.5, Version 1.7 with StoreFront 3.0, and Version 1.9 with StoreFront.